PHIVEN to you sir.
I love Bond films and your animation is half bad for a beginner. I hope to see more of your work in the portal. :D Good job, my 5 are belong to this.
PHIVEN to you sir.
I love Bond films and your animation is half bad for a beginner. I hope to see more of your work in the portal. :D Good job, my 5 are belong to this.
you sir.. are a fucking god!
ATHF style all the way.. Great flash, you are 5'ed.
Your animations are sexy, as well as the artists. PHIVEN!
A 10 salute to you, sir.
:D So this is what you have been working on, very nice!!! ^_^
Nice flash
Nice sticks. Love the effects.
Boring dude... And couldn't of made the sprites larger? I mean some of the graphics were all right.. but what was with those gradients? There didn't fit at all man. Nothing to great here... But the people must have saw something in it.. you got daily first... or that could be because you have a bunch of popular people "co-authoring".
Not too bad...
1. The comedy was good. The ideas were very funny and ammusing.
2. You drew the pokemon very well. umm.. you did draw them yourself didn't you?
3. The way you made one thing lead to another was great. What I mean is like how you made the T.V turn on and then show Jigglypuff on American Idol.
1. Why in the world did you use that music... For a Si-Fi kinda thing? Well that music is from X-files I believe. So it was kinda weird.
2. Here is a hint. Things don't hop or slide around. And mostly they don't float through the air. You should of tried to animate walking. You would of gotten a much better score if you would have done some walking animation.
3. The lawn mower was kinda weird. I thought it was like a lilttle red cart or something at first. Just make sure that things are clear before you submit.
4. Try using some sound effects for god sake! There are like 30 places were you could of added sound effects.
5. Since when has a mouse pokemon been bigger than a car? Make sure that things are the right size.
Im just trying to help you out here. And if I offended you in any way in this review then please let me know. Im just trying to improve you as an animator. And before you go and try to say that I've never made any movies just know i've made 3.
Well I hope to see future flashes by you and I hope you take some of my advice.
Nice and in 10 mins....
Lets do this....
1. The way you had your drawings and your voices was just hillarious. It set the mood for the crazyness!
2. The whole anime joke was just hillarious! "Well Mario is.. umm.." I just loved it dude.
3. The music in the background was nice..
4. The whole thing about the kid not having the mario game was just sweet. Iiiiiiiiiii'm gonna kill you.
5. And the little thing where you put your text was awesome.
( I know you did this in 10 mins so bare with me)
1. At some points the guy looked like a head on a red stick. Kinda weird but also kinda funny... yeah.
2. It looks like there is a little bit of white around the edges on the replay screen. Nothing to bad.
this flash gets a 5/5! Nice flash dude. FDA approved!
wow long review thanks alot dude
OMFG!!! YOU PWN;;!!!!!1
OBEY THE LOCKS! You just rule man! AIM me or something! I might become a lock myself! You just rock! Nice song!
Might... just... do... that....
Drop me a line on AIM if you feel like chatting! If you need help with your computer just ask. :P
Age 34, Male
Joined on 11/2/04